Framework YII2 Send Email Example
How to send emails from the yii2 php framework? Instructions to configure email SMTP with the yii2 framework (yii2 send email example). The PHP yii2 framework has yiisoft/yii2-symfonymailer library. No…
SandBox SMTP Email Account
How to send emails from the yii2 php framework? Instructions to configure email SMTP with the yii2 framework (yii2 send email example). The PHP yii2 framework has yiisoft/yii2-symfonymailer library. No…
Step-by-step instructions to configure mail function with Lumen php framework (Lumen sends email by SMTP). It uses the Laravel mail library and SMPT. You can also use the sandbox…
Easy-to-follow guide for sending emails from PHP Slim Framework. You can try it out using a fake SMTP account. Step 1: Install PHPMailer library by composer from Packagist Go to…